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The Great Wall of China is an ancient defensive wall located in northern China. It was constructed over many centuries, starting in the 7th century BC and was primarily built to protect China from invasions from the north.The wall stretches for over 13,000 miles (21,196 kilometers) and is made up of various sections, some of which have been reconstructed and restored. The most famous and well-preserved section of the Great Wall is located near Beijing, known as Badaling.The Great Wall was constructed using various materials, such as stone, brick, wood, and earth. It was built using a combination of labor from soldiers, prisoners, and local peasants. The construction of the wall involved intense physical labor, and it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of workers died during its construction.The Great Wall is not a single continuous wall but rather a series of walls, watchtowers, and fortresses interconnected to form a defensive system. It served as a military fortification, allowing soldiers to have a vantage point to spot and defend against potential invaders.In addition to its defensive function, the Great Wall also had economic, cultural, and symbolic significance. It helped control trade routes and allowed for the transportation of goods and communication across the empire. The Wall also became a symbol of China's resilience, strength, and cultural heritage.Today, the Great Wall of China is one of the most iconic landmarks and popular tourist destinations in the world. It is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and continues to attract millions of visitors every year. Its historical and architectural significance make it a must-see destination for those interested in Chinese history and culture.