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In order to pivot from advertising to directing, you may consider taking the following steps:1. Gain knowledge and skills: Educate yourself about directing by studying different filmmaking techniques, styles, and theories. Take classes or workshops that focus on directing, cinematography, scriptwriting, and film production. This will help you understand the technical aspects of directing and develop your creative vision.2. Practice directing: Start by directing your own short films or collaborating with other aspiring filmmakers. This will give you hands-on experience and help you refine your storytelling abilities. Experiment with different genres and styles to find your niche as a director.3. Build a portfolio: Compile a strong portfolio or reel showcasing your directing work. This will serve as evidence of your skills and creativity when pitching yourself to potential employers or clients. Make sure to highlight your best projects and showcase a range of abilities.4. Network with industry professionals: Attend film festivals, industry events, and join online communities to meet and connect with other professionals in the film industry. Build relationships with actors, cinematographers, producers, and other filmmakers who can help you get your foot in the door.5. Gain practical experience: Look for opportunities to assist established directors, either through internships, volunteering, or working as a production assistant. Assisting experienced directors will give you valuable insights into the profession and provide you with networking opportunities.6. Start small: Begin by directing music videos, short films, or commercials. These projects can help you gain experience and build credibility as a director. As you gain more experience and recognition, you can move on to larger projects such as feature films or TV series.7. Learn from successful directors: Study the work of established directors who inspire you. Analyze their techniques, storytelling styles, and directorial choices. This will help you develop your own unique voice and artistic vision.8. Market yourself: Create a personal brand as a director by building a strong online presence through a website, social media, and a professional showreel. Showcase your work and promote yourself through various channels to attract potential clients or employers.9. Seek opportunities: Look for directing jobs or freelance opportunities in the film industry. Connect with production companies, agencies, and casting directors to pitch yourself as a director. Be proactive in seeking out projects and promoting your skills.10. Never stop learning: The film industry is constantly evolving, and it's important to stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and storytelling techniques. Continuously improve your skills and seek opportunities for professional development.Remember, transitioning from advertising to directing may require persistence, hard work, and patience. However, with dedication and a passion for storytelling, you can make a successful pivot into the directing field.