
Iron Armor Construction Equipment Network>Products>混凝土搅拌站>西安德通混凝土搅拌站>西安德通270以上混凝土搅拌站
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There are many possible ways to approach this problem, but here is one possible solution in Python:1. Create two empty lists, "even_nums" and "odd_nums", to store the even and odd numbers respectively.2. Iterate through each number in the given list.3. Check if the number is even or odd by using the modulus operator (%). If the remainder when dividing the number by 2 is 0, it is even; otherwise, it is odd.4. If the number is even, append it to the "even_nums" list. If it is odd, append it to the "odd_nums" list.5. Finally, print both lists to display the even and odd numbers separately.Here is an example implementation of this solution:```pythonnums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]even_nums = []odd_nums = []for num in nums: if num % 2 == 0: even_nums.append(num) else: odd_nums.append(num)print("Even numbers:", even_nums)print("Odd numbers:", odd_nums)```Output:```Even numbers: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]Odd numbers: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]```This implementation separates the even and odd numbers into two separate lists for further processing or analysis if needed. If you simply want to count the number of even and odd numbers, you can use variables to keep track of the counts instead of creating lists.

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