In the Disney movie "Frozen," Elsa is a young princess who possesses the power to create ice and snow. She initially struggles to control her powers and accidentally puts her kingdom of Arendelle in an eternal winter. Elsa is considered an outcast by her sister, Anna, and the rest of her kingdom, and she isolates herself in a mountain palace.However, when Anna sets out to find her sister and bring her back to Arendelle, Elsa discovers that Anna's love is the key to controlling her powers. Throughout the movie, Elsa learns to embrace her abilities and uses them to save her kingdom and protect her loved ones.Elsa has become a popular Disney character, especially among young girls, and her signature song "Let It Go" has become an iconic anthem. The success of "Frozen" has led to a sequel, "Frozen II," where Elsa and Anna embark on a journey to discover the origin of Elsa's powers and save their kingdom once again.