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Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and ethologist. He is known for his research on the gene-centered view of evolution and his support for atheism and secularism. Dawkins rose to fame with his book "The Selfish Gene," which introduced the concept of genes as the unit of selection in evolution. He has continued to publish books, such as "The Blind Watchmaker" and "The God Delusion," which advocate for a scientific understanding of the world and challenge religious beliefs.Dawkins has been a prominent critic of creationism and intelligent design, arguing for the overwhelming evidence supporting the theory of evolution. He is also an advocate for science education and has been involved in various campaigns to promote critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning.However, Dawkins has faced controversy for his outspoken views on religion and his perceived hostility towards religious beliefs. Some have accused him of being arrogant and dismissive of religious experiences and faith.Overall, Richard Dawkins has made significant contributions to our understanding of evolution and has been a leading voice in promoting science education and critical thinking. However, his views on religion have made him a divisive figure, with many praising his advocacy for atheism while others criticize him for his approach.