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Design thinking is an approach to problem-solving that focuses on the needs of the end-user or customer. It involves a deep understanding of the problem or challenge at hand, followed by a process of ideation, prototyping, and iteration to arrive at a solution that meets those needs.The design thinking process typically involves the following steps:1. Empathize: This involves gaining a deep understanding and empathy for the people who are affected by the problem. This can be done through research, observation, and interviews.2. Define: Once the problem has been understood, it is important to define it clearly and concisely. This helps to focus the design thinking process and ensure that the solution addresses the core issue.3. Ideate: During the ideation phase, designers generate a wide range of possible solutions. This can involve brainstorming, sketching, or using other creative techniques to generate ideas.4. Prototype: In this phase, designers create a physical or digital representation of their solution. This can be a rough sketch, a storyboard, or a more refined prototype, depending on the needs of the project.5. Test: The prototype is then tested with end-users or customers to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. This feedback is used to refine the design and make necessary changes.6. Iterate: This process of testing and refining the design is repeated multiple times, with each iteration bringing the solution closer to meeting the needs of the end-users.Design thinking is often used in fields such as product design, user experience design, and service design. It encourages a user-centered approach and helps designers create solutions that are intuitive, impactful, and meaningful to the end-users.

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