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There are four main types of social anxiety disorder triggers:1. Performance-based triggers: These triggers include situations where the individual has to perform or be evaluated by others. Examples include giving a speech, participating in a meeting, or performing on stage. These situations often lead to fear of embarrassing oneself or being judged negatively.2. Social interaction triggers: These triggers involve everyday social situations, such as engaging in conversations, meeting new people, or attending social gatherings. The fear of being scrutinized, humiliated, or rejected by others can be overwhelming in these situations.3. Observation triggers: These triggers involve situations where individuals may feel anxious or self-conscious when they are being observed, such as eating in public, writing in front of others, or using public restrooms. The fear of making mistakes or being judged negatively can be particularly strong in these situations.4. Non-specific triggers: These triggers are not specifically tied to performance, social interaction, or observation but can still cause anxiety in individuals with social anxiety disorder. Examples include situations that involve assertiveness, expressing opinions, or being the center of attention.It's important to note that triggers can vary between individuals, and what may trigger social anxiety in one person may not necessarily impact another person in the same way. Everyone's experience with social anxiety disorder is unique, and triggers may change or vary in intensity over time.