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There are a few potential reasons why online friendship might be less reliable than offline friendship. First, online friendships often lack the depth and intimacy that can develop through more personal interactions. Without face-to-face communication, it can be difficult to truly get to know someone and understand their thoughts, feelings, and motivations. Additionally, online friendships are often based primarily on shared interests or activities, rather than on a deep emotional connection.Second, online friendships can be more easily abandoned or forgotten. With the click of a button, someone can unfriend or block another person, effectively ending the relationship. In offline friendships, there is usually more effort required to end a relationship, and people are often more motivated to work through disagreements or conflicts due to the investment of time and energy.Third, online friendships may lack the same level of trust and reliability as offline friendships. It can be easier for people to misrepresent themselves online, leading to a lack of authenticity in the friendship. Additionally, without the ability to physically be present for someone in times of need, online friendships may feel less reliable and supportive.Overall, online friendships can certainly be valuable and meaningful, but they often lack the depth, intimacy, and reliability that can come from offline friendships. It's important to approach online friendships with realistic expectations and to seek out a balance of both online and offline relationships for a well-rounded social life.

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