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According to the World Health Organization, a pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease. It occurs when a new virus emerges and starts infecting people and spreads easily from person to person in a sustained manner. A pandemic is usually characterized by high rates of illness and death and can have significant social, economic, and political impacts.Pandemics can occur when a new virus emerges in the human population, such as the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009 or the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019. These viruses are often novel, meaning that the human immune system has little to no pre-existing immunity to them.Pandemics can have major consequences for public health, healthcare systems, economies, and societies as a whole. They can cause widespread illness and death, overwhelm healthcare systems, disrupt economies and supply chains, and require significant efforts to control and mitigate their impact.Pandemics also often lead to social and political disruptions, as governments and communities implement measures to control the spread of the virus. These measures can include travel restrictions, quarantine and isolation policies, school and workplace closures, and social distancing measures.In order to prevent and control pandemics, it is important to have strong public health systems in place, including surveillance and early detection systems, robust healthcare infrastructure, and effective communication and coordination mechanisms. International cooperation and collaboration are also crucial to quickly identify and respond to emerging threats. So, in simple words, a pandemic is the global outbreak of a new disease that spreads easily and causes widespread illness and death.