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The two main types of livestock are:1. Cattle: Cattle, or cows, are raised for their meat, milk, and skin. The most common type of cattle raised for beef is the Bos taurus, while the Bos indicus is commonly bred for dairy purposes. Cattle are typically raised in large herds on ranches or farms.2. Poultry: Poultry includes birds such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese. They are primarily raised for their meat and eggs. Chickens, in particular, are the most commonly consumed type of poultry worldwide. Poultry can be raised in small backyard settings, as well as in large commercial operations.Other types of livestock include:3. Sheep: Sheep are primarily raised for their meat, wool, and milk. They are known for their grazing abilities and are often found in pasture-based farming systems. Sheep are commonly bred for their wool in countries such as Australia, while meat production is more common in other parts of the world.4. Swine: Swine, or pigs, are raised for their meat, known as pork. Pigs are highly efficient converters of feed into meat and can be raised in small or large-scale operations. Pork is a popular meat worldwide in various cuisines.5. Goats: Goats are raised for their meat, milk, and fiber. They are known for their adaptability to harsh environments and are often found in mountainous or arid regions. Goat milk and cheese are consumed in some cultures, while goat meat is considered a delicacy in others.Other types of livestock that are raised in smaller numbers or for specific purposes include horses, llamas, alpacas, and rabbits. Each of these livestock types has its own unique characteristics and is raised for different products or services.