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The concept of the Lean Startup was developed by Eric Ries. It refers to a methodology for developing businesses and products through iterative cycles of testing, measuring, and learning. The Lean Startup approach is based on the idea that businesses and products can be developed more efficiently by reducing waste and focusing on delivering value to customers.Some key principles of the Lean Startup methodology include:1. Build-Measure-Learn: The Lean Startup method emphasizes the importance of quickly building a minimum viable product (MVP), measuring its success using metrics, and learning from the feedback to make informed decisions.2. Validated Learning: Rather than relying on assumptions and predictions, the Lean Startup encourages entrepreneurs to focus on validated learning, which means using data and customer feedback to test assumptions and refine their business or product.3. Continuous Innovation: The Lean Startup methodology encourages continuous innovation and experimentation. It encourages entrepreneurs to pursue a cycle of "Build-Measure-Learn" repeatedly to continuously improve and refine their product.4. Pivot or Persevere: The Lean Startup recognizes that not all ideas will succeed. Therefore, it encourages entrepreneurs to be open to making strategic changes, known as "pivots," based on the learnings obtained through testing and evaluation.Overall, the Lean Startup methodology aims to help entrepreneurs and product developers become more efficient, minimize risks, and maximize the chances of building successful businesses and products.

